速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Jean Auguste Ingres Artworks Stickers

Jean Auguste Ingres Artworks Stickers


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Jean Auguste Ingres Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 75 stickers of Jean Auguste Ingres Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- Portrait of an unknown, since the bust, left profile

- Pierre Guillaume Cazeaux, half-length, seated at a desk

- Male Torso

- Male torso

- Venus, Wounded by Diomedes, Returns to Olympus

- Academic Study of a Male Torse

- Ambassadors Sent by Agamemnon to Urge Achilles to Fight

- Male nude

- Male nude

- Portrait of a young man

- Portrait of Napoléon Bonaparte, The First Council

- Self-Portrait

- Self-Portrait at the Age of 24

- Portrait Belvèze

- Portrait of Frédéric Desmarais

- Portrait of Jean-Pierre-Francois Gilibert

- Portrait of Mademoiselle Rivière

- Portrait of Monsieur Rivière

- Le casino de l'Aurore de la villa Ludovisi

- Orangery Villa Borghese

- Portrait of Bartolini

- Portrait of Madame Aymon, La belle Zélie

- Portrait of Madame Riviere nee Marie Francoise Jacquette Bibiane Blot de Beauregard

- Portrait of Napoléon on the Imperial Throne

- Portrait Suvée, director of the Academy of France in Rome

- The Forestier Family

- Virgin and Child

- Half-figure of a Bather

- Portrait of Francois-Marius Granet

- Portrait of Madame Antonia de Vaucay nee de Nittis

- View of the Villa Medici

- Portrait of Mrs. Devauçay

- Oedipus and the Sphinx

- The Bather of Valpinçon

- Auguste-Jean-Marie Guénepin

- Pope Pius VII officiating at St. Peter

- The Crucifixion

- Charles-Marie-Jean-Baptiste Marcotte (Marcotte d'Argenteuil)

- Jean Baptiste Desdeban

Jean Auguste Ingres Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- Paul Lemoyne

- Portrait of Joseph-Antoine Moltedo

- Hippolyte-François Devillers

- Jupiter and Thetis

- Portrait of Charles-Joseph-Laurent Cordier

- Portrait of Edme Bochet

- Portrait of Madame Panckoucke

- Comtes de Tournon, née Geneviève de Seytres Caumont

- Ingres in his studio, painting Romulus winner of Acron

- Monsieur de Norvins

- Napoleon receives the keys of Vienna

- Romulus' Victory over Acron

- Philip V handing around the Golden Fleece to the Duke of Berwick after the battle of Almanza

- The Dream of Ossian

- The Songs of Ossian

- Caroline Murat, Queen of Naples

- Raphael and the Fornarina

- The Betrothal of Raphael and the Niece of Cardinal Bibbiena

- The Grande Odalisque

- The Sistine Chapel

- Jean Pierre Cortot

- Portrait of Madame Ingres

- Mr. and Mrs. Woodhead with Rev. Henry Comber as a Youth

- Mrs Charles Badham

- Portrait of Bishop Persigny

- Portrait of Madame de Senonnes

- Portrait of the painter Charles Thevenin, director of the Academy of France in Rome

- Charles Robert Cockerell

- Henry IV Recieving The Ambassador of Spain

- Death of Leonardo da Vinci

- General Louis-Etienne Dulong de Rosnay

- Angelica. Study for the Roger Delivering Angelica

- Francesca da Rimini and Paolo Malatesta

- Henry IV Playing with His Children

- Niccolo Paganini

- Roger Delivering Angelica

- Head of St. Matthew

- Jesus Returning the Keys to St. Peter

- Nomination by Pope Urban VIII Barberini, Taddeo

- Pope Pius VII (Luigi Barnaba Chiaramonti) attending chapel

Jean Auguste Ingres Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- Portrait of the Sculptor Lorenzo Bartolini

Jean Auguste Ingres Artworks Stickers(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad